Painting One View. Greenhouse.

I spent a lovely day out in the sun painting with friends.


I am suffering for it tonight though..I’ve gone a bit red.

It was so nice to be out in the sunshine we didn’t want to stop.


After about 4 weeks I feel like I am starting to get back to my old style and am really enjoying it.

I think this one is actually finished though I may be tempted to tweak it slightly after looking at it over the next week.



You know the saying waiting for paint to dry? …that

You know the saying waiting for paint to dry? ...that

After a fun paint club on Wednesday I have been waiting for the oils to dry so I can add the next layers. It has been such a great feeling to get back to painting and I am loving it. After paint club I carried on painting till it got dark, I am working on a large canvas capturing the evening sun which casts amazing shadows and light over the landscape.

Painting with friends and a bit of stitching.

I have been asked by a few of my friends to teach encourage them to paint. So we they  have decided that every Wednesday is painting day.  Which is great because it means I get my paints out and join in. Very important as I have 2 exhibitions booked The Somerset Arts Week at The Art House in Glastonbury and an exhibition in November at Divine Wines in Wincanton, so I seriously need to be more disciplined about painting every week.


I wasn’t sure what the ladies would like to do so got out a variety of art materials to play with.


We ended up talking quite a lot, about different artists and how to use colour.  Acrylics were chosen to work with. None of the ladies had used them before so the idea was not to try and paint a picture as such but  just have a go with the paints and see how they mix, what happens when use different brushes etc. Picking out colours from the view but not trying to paint exactly what is there seemed to work well.


I did a tiny acrylic sketch trying to capture some of the colours and not just paint green.

We were really lucky that the sun came out, there was no colour yesterday just grey.


Next Wednesday we will be using water soluble oils and I will be setting up a still life with lots of colours and textures.

Now its time to get back to my day job and finish stitching brooch backs on to all these flowers.
